Life is a journey with many stoppages. If only the numbers of stoppages will determine the height you reach in life, it would have been a good idea to stop at every given opportunity. However,life has purpose and its purpose is hoped for,as such with life ,there is hope. The journey to greatness is with many stoppages, and destiny tends to determine the time spent at each points.

As we go through life’s journey, having it at the back of our mind that great men are not born, but made. Starting with the birth of a new dawn; the first step in to the journey of life, representing the first opportunity to attaining greatness. It is both necessary and sufficient in that, if you are not born, it means you never existed, and if you are, it means you have hope.

The journey through life is an adventure, filled with challenges, obstacles and fear. Also in the same vein, life offers solutions to many life’s problems as it gives us opportunity to exploit them . The ability to turn problems into solutions is the greatest gift of life, representing the gap between problem and solution.
The distance between our problems and the solutions make up the many stoppages of life. In the process of sojourning this distance, we have countless opportunities to attain greatness. At every stop in life you have a role to play, do your best and fudged ahead

Throughout my life’s journey, I have stop by many points, and these points constitute the many stages that life has taken me. At some point, life was rosy and at others, the reverse was the case. Like the usual saying “ so much water has passed under the bridge” life must surely goes on.

As we move on, taking life’s challenges as they come, the grace to overcome is a function of exploring the opportunities around you. In real terms, real problem translate into real wealth in the presence of real solution. Why not look around you today and see how you can affect your world positively.

Over the years, I have tried to identify immediate problems around me and to see how best these problems could be solved. Proffering solution to problems seemed to be the starting point to attaining greatness. Why not identify those problems now and try to see beyond them for a clear picture of a possible solution.
However, this journey might seemed rough, but only the wise go far in the journey of many waters. Examine the point you are now and see what the future present. In this life, we can see far off because we are standing on the shoulder of giants.

Are you desperate to become wealthy?

Most people will ask this question. Desperation is in the heart not in your might. Success comes not only through hard work, but also, through that which is channel for the right use, at the right time and for the right purpose. Nevertheless, the fear of the unknown is what many people face.

Fear, they say cripples more than any weapon of war, equip yourself with knowledge and wisdom, with these you can overcome. Knowledge, they say is power ,though expensive to acquire, hard to get and still indispensible to attaining greatness. If we must go far in life, we must first eliminate fear and acquire knowledge to its fullest. Then the sky is your starting point.
Wealth does not come by chance ,it is worked for, in the same vein, knowledge does not come by the same, it is acquire ,likewise greatness it is attain. In our quest for greatness,the idea you tend to over looked might be your best shot . What this means is that you give equal attention to every idea that you come across, put in your best and be focused .

The road to acquiring wealth is visible not only to the physical eyes, but also to the heart, not limited to few but open to all, if only they can search to see it. Why not open the eyes of your heart, and see beyond the present and focus on the future and beyond. Do not see yourself as a failure each time you are not getting it right. Rather, see it as an additional opportunity to do it differently. Those who fail accepted they have, it is a thing of the heart . Count the number of misses in relation to success made so far,you will realize that those misses were the channels through which the success was made.

Move on without looking back, carry on and do not tarry. This world was founded on the principle of continuity and dynamism , the further we go the farther it becomes. So also is knowledge, the more we seek it, the more confused we become. Only to keep on seeking for even a better way of life, in circle we are.
In between ignorance and knowledge lies great potentials ,opportunities and wealth. It’s like moving from the beginning to a determine point, a direct relationship, a predetermine pendulum swing. The answers are within us even as we sojourn through life’s journey.

Greatness is in ‘you’ !!!



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